Christmas Hedgehog Log


Each year my family makes a variety of Christmas desserts that are usually devoured within 48 hours of completion; this includes a very famous marshmallow log & chocolate hedgehog Christmas tree. Inspired by both, I created a clean Christmas Hedgehog Slice that would be devoured just as quickly as the sugary kind, and it was a big success!

Guilt free thick chocolate mixed with almonds and walnuts for a biscuit texture, covered in coconut sounds so appealing and tastes even better. This festive recipe is now a new favourite I will be making all year round that’s for sure!





½ cup of cacao butter (melted)

3 tbls coconut oil (melted)

1 cup rice malt syrup

2 tsp vanilla bean syrup

Pinch of sea salt

1 cup of cacao powder

1 cup of desiccated coconut

1 cup of walnuts

3/4 cup roasted almonds

Extra 1 cup of desiccated coconut



  • In a large tray, spread almonds evenly and pop in the oven for 20 minutes on 180°C to roast (alternatively you can buy them roasted)
  • Blend cacao butter, coconut oil, rice malt syrup, vanilla bean essence, pinch of salt and cacao until smooth and creamy and set aside
  • Process walnuts until fine and add desiccated coconut. Once the walnuts and coconut are combined, place in a large bowl
  • Process almonds until crushed and very fine and then add to the large bowl
  • Pour over the chocolate mixture and combine all ingredients.
  • Tear a large piece of foil and sprinkle around 1/3 – ½ cup coconut in the center evenly. Scoop the mixture over the coconut in the foil and mould into a long log form while scattering coconut over the top. Roll the log slowly in the foil a few times ensuring coconut has covered the entire outside of the dessert and fold foil tightly and set in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
  • To serve, remove from freezer and place in fridge for 20 minutes. Cut as little or as thick slices as you like and store in fridge. Enjoy!




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  1. 1

    That really looks n sounds delish..will be making this for sure…might have to do a test run tnis week lol. Thanks for the great recipes Im new at the clean eating lifestyle but reaping the benefits already 🙂

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    Hi Jess,

    I love your recipes and I have already tried some of them since I am addicted to sugar and especially nutella 😉 but since I live in Germany I am struggling with the convertion from cups into grams. Your hedgehog looks so fluffy and delicious. I don´t know what went wrong but mine is really solid. I wonder what the consistency has to be like? does it have to be soft? I would be really happy if someone has the right analogy for grams or has made a similar experience? Do you have any advice on what I can change or what I did wrong?

    I am looking forward to your answer and of course more clean treats:)

    • 5

      Hi Irini, thanks so much for getting in touch and your kind words! 1 cup = 227grams. The consistency is meant to be a little soft and sticky when you are laying it down on the foil, and then it hardens once in the freezer. Before serving leave it out for a few minutes to soften as it’s quite normal for it to be hard straight out of the freezer. Hope that helps! Feel free to email me if you are still having trouble: good luck and happy baking! Jess xx

      • 6

        Hi Jess! thank you very much for replying! 🙂 I will try to make it again and see what it will be like. when take the hedgehog out of the fridge it stays hard (like a chocolate bar) hahaa I hope I will manage to make the hedgehog look like yours 🙂

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