Chocolate Peppermint Slice


Mmmm peppermint. I love it in biscuits, cakes, ice cream, mousse and anything else it may be included in. The fresh taste always leaves me delightfully satisfied and I can never get enough, resulting in the disappearances of my entire slice in a record 3 hours… woopsie!

My chocolate peppermint slice is a light and fluffy option if you’re feeling like something minty. And who doesn’t love chocolate and peppermint together, right?! Eat up, enjoy and try not to devour all the peppermint cream before pouring over the base!




For base:

1 ½ cups almonds

2 tbls rice malt syrup

2 tbls coconut oil

8 dates

2 tbls chia seeds

1 tsp cocao

2 tsp peppermint extract or peppermint oil


For peppermint cream:

1 ½ cups cashews

¼ cup almond milk (optional)

½ cup rice malt syrup

1 ½ tbls coconut oil

1 ½ tbls peppermint extract or peppermint oil

1 tsp vanilla essence

A few drops of green food colouring (optional)


For chocolate topping:

2 tbls coconut oil

2 tsp cacao

1/3 cup rice malt syrup

1 tbls water




  • Process almonds and dates until very fine and add rest of ingredients until mixture sticks together.
  • Line a small baking pan with baking paper and smooth over base evenly in pan and pop in the freezer.

Peppermint cream:

  • Blend all ingredients until a creamy texture. Feel free to add more rice malt syrup if you prefer a little sweeter.
  • Pour over base and place in the freezer for 4 hours.

Chocolate topping:

  • Blend all ingredients and pour over peppermint cream until whole slice is covered.
  • Pop in freezer for an hour, cut up and serve away!




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