For anyone who read my ‘about’ section you would be familiar with my unhealthy obsession with Nutella. The hazelnuts combined in chocolate tastes like tiny clouds of heaven swiftly melting at the tip of your tongue while you grip your spoon and dig for more. I once read that 3 teaspoons of Nutella is equivalent to 1 WHOLE slice of lasagna…possibly dripping in fresh béchamel sauce over warm home made pasta. I know what I would prefer (and what would keep me fuller). In saying that, I do love Nutella and jumped at the chance to make a clean version. These Nutella tarts definitely hit the Nutella-craving spot and keep me away from the evil Nutella jar. I’m also currently trialing a clean Nutella spread so hopefully that will be perfected soon to dig your spoons in!
2 cups almonds
8 – 9 dates
¼ cup water
2 tbls chia seeds
2 cups hazelnuts
½ cup rice malt syrup
4 tbls cocao
1 tsp vanilla bean paste or vanilla essence
¼ cup coconut milk
2 tbls coconut oil
¼ cup water
For base:
- Process almonds until fine and then add rest of ingredients.
- Spray tart cases with baking oil and then press dough into each case ensuring it is completely covered and pop in the freezer while you prepare nutella.
For nutella:
- Grind hazelnuts in processor until fine and powdery.
- Add rest of ingredients and process. If nutella is too thick mix through some water. Feel free to add more rice malt syrup if you would like a little sweeter.
- Pop in freezer for around 2 – 3 hours and then remove tarts from their cases.
- To decorate sift cacao over the tarts and place frozen raspberries on the surface. Serve and enjoy! This recipe makes 4 mini tarts.
*Recipe adapted from My Whole Food Life