Chocolate & Baobab Cream Slice


I know what you’re thinking; what is Baobab cream? Firstly, Baobab is an African super food that has recently launched in Australia by the awesome people at Rawsome Foods. I was shocked when I learnt that Baobab has DOUBLE the antioxidants of Acai Berry and DOUBLE the calcium of milk. Needless to say, I was more than intrigued to taste this super food and it definitely did not disappoint with its delicious zesty pear taste.

This slice is the perfect mix of tangy fruit and chocolaty goodness. The Baobab powder is a great setting agent, therefore the smooth cream smeared over the chocolate base sets beautifully in the freezer. The nutritional benefits of this slice are just the icing on the cake for this unique, yummy slice – try it yourself!

You can purchase Baobab powder here:

If Baobab is out of reach, substitute with banana!





1 cup walnuts

7 pitted dates

1 tbls coconut oil

1 tbls cacao

1 tbls rice malt syrup

1/3 cup shredded coconut


Baobab Cream:

1 cup cashews

½ cup rice malt syrup

1/3 cup Baobab powder

1/4 cup almond milk

1 tbls coconut oil



Melted organic dark chocolate



For base:

  • Soak dates in hot water for 2-3 minutes.
  • Process walnuts until fine and then add dates.  Add remaining ingredients and process thoroughly until mixture sticks together.
  • Spray a smal pan with baking spray and place mixture in evenly. Put in freezer while you prepare the Baobab cream.

For Baobab cream:

  • Place all ingredients in blender and blend until there are no chunks of cashews left in the Baobab cream.
  • Pour the Baobab cream over the base evenly and pop in the freezer for around 1-2 hours
  • Remove from freezer, melt dark chocolate and drizzle lightly in zig-zag movements over the slice and it’s ready to be served – enjoy!


Store leftovers in fridge or freezer.


*Serves 12


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