White Chocolate & Raspberry Jelly Slice


Mmm jelly slice, it’s the perfect summer dessert. My Mother makes a mean jelly slice filled with an extreme amount of creamy condensed milk, sugary jelly & crushed biscuits… mmm so much goodness. :/ Don’t get me wrong, it tastes amazing, but may I say that mine is just as good and includes a lot more of the good stuff too. For those of you who are wondering – yes, healthy jelly does exist. So why is supermarket jelly so bad? Added sugar & preservatives. So when you combine gelatin leaves with rice malt syrup, frozen fruits & no preservatives, you got yourself an even better chilled treat!

This one has three layers to it however I have still tried to make it as simple as possible! All ingredients can be purchased from your local supermarket except for one that I have been using in most of my recipes lately; cacao butter. This stuff is what makes everything super chocolaty, rich and delicious. You can buy it HERE it is the BEST!





1 cup walnuts

7 pitted dates

1 cup shredded coconut

1 tbls rice malt syrup

Pinch of salt


White Chocolate:

1 cup cashews

1/2 cup cacao butter (melted)

1/3 cup rice malt syrup



6 X gelatin leaves

1 cup frozen raspberries

1/3 cup rice malt syrup

200mL water



For jelly:

  • Start on the jelly first so it can simmer while you make the two other layers. Begin by placing 6 x leaves in a bowl with cold water and leave for 5 minutes. At the same time, fill a pot with 200mL water. Once the leaves have been sitting for 5 minutes, remove and squeeze the water out of them before placing in the pot.
  • Add remainder of ingredients and let simmer for 5 minutes before removing from heat and set aside.

For base:

  • Soak dates in hot water for 2-3 minutes.
  • Process walnuts until fine and then add dates. Add remaining ingredients and process thoroughly until mixture sticks together.
  • Spray a small baking pan with baking spray and place mixture in evenly at the base. Place in freezer while you prepare the white chocolate.
  • * Please note, the size of the pan must be able to be covered by the entire base otherwise the jelly will not set

For white chocolate:

  • Soak cashews for 5  minutes in hot water, drain and place in blender
  • Blend cashews with all ingredients until a creamy texture is formed. Pour over the base and place in the freezer for 1 hour
  • When the white chocolate has set, pour the jelly mixture on top ensuring it is completely covering the pan and cannot escape at the sides. Place in the fridge overnight, devour & then keep the slice stored in there – enjoy! 😀










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